Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Music Technology from TC Electronic: IPhone Communication And Data Transfer with Guitar Pickups?

When I first saw a demonstration of this technology I had no clue what its intended purpose was. There was an iphone and an electric guitar and the iphone would generate a frequency and the electric guitar's pickups would respond to said frequency (a principle called beaming). This looked interesting but what was the new technology? This past week, TC Electronic announced a brand new IPhone application to accompany their recent development, the Toneprint pedals, which let you download customized sounds from famous artists on-line. The Iphone would expedite the process of connecting a USB cable to the computer and downloading each patch individually. Rather, a library of patches will be made available in the application. This application will be made available for Android in December. Check out a video of this new Toneprint Application in action and comment below about your take on this new technology!


  1. This brand new technology makes it easy for guitarist to create new music and to jam out. By having Toneprint pedals you can easily download customized sounds from any artist you like. The fact that iPhone apps have come this far really goes to show how technologically advanced we are becoming. Great blog, keep up the good work.

    -Anthony K

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting.

    I own one of these Toneprint pedals myself and I have to say I am very impressed with the sound, it has helped my tone immensely. When I found about this recent advancement I was blown away. This makes it much more convenient because I can be at a gig and all of a sudden have the need to switch a tone because I want to experiment with a new sound. This can be made possible before a set since I will have my phone with me and all I do is plug in my guitar. I will immediately download this app once it comes out for Android.
